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June Meeting Summary

Lincoln Reservoir as viewed from the since demolished Marianne Manor on Nagle Place. Circa late 1990s. Courtesy Clare Livingston.

Note well the geyser of water to the left of the pine tree. For those of you who moved to Seattle after 2005, this is a rare view of the open-air Lincoln Reservoir in its twilight years before it became Cal Anderson Park in 2005. One of our meeting attendees, Clare Livingston shot this photograph from Marianne Manor when she lived there in the 1990s. Marianne Manor was demolished in 2009 to make way for the light rail.

At the meeting proper, Rob recapped our progress on our landmarks project for the new attendees. While we covered most of this in our May meeting summary, there were a few new items brought to light. A week after our May meeting, Rob noticed that the King County GOP made the following tweet for Throwback-Thursday.

Rob, then replied with the following tweets.

Later that day, the KCGOP sent Rob an email to express their interest in the idea and to inquire about next steps. We have yet to hear back regarding their final decision, but we will give notice as soon as we do.

Aside from this, Rob showed us pictures from his tour of the Ballard Ave Historic District to give us all an idea of what he envisions for our landmark plaques.

Next Steps:

  • Contact vendors for price quotes on similarly styled plaques and installation

  • Continue research on the landmarks themselves

  • Rob will contact building owners after his term on the Landmarks Board ends

Outreach Updates from Zach

Bullet points should suffice here:

  • The UW iSchool has requested project proposals for potential iSchool student volunteers.

  • A few local bars have expressed interest in hosting a Capitol Hill history trivia night.

  • Zach has completed drafts of flyers with interesting facts on Capitol Hill history to hand out at events for outreach purposes.

Next steps:

  • Complete project proposals. (see below)

  • Brainstorm trivia questions. (volunteers wanted!)

  • Find someone with graphic design experience to finish Zach's flyers. (volunteer wanted!)

New Project Proposals / Volunteer Opportunities

Speaking of project proposals for the iSchool, Tom presented two new potential projects.

  1. King County Property Photo Digitization Project Briefly, the Puget Sound branch of the State Archives in Bellevue has historical photographs of every property in King County. We aim to digitize all photographs of all properties in Capitol Hill and make them accessible to the public. If you are interested in assisting us with this project and/or wish to know more contact us and read a more detailed description here.

  2. Newspaper research There are several newspapers in and around Seattle containing a plethora of stories about people and events in Capitol Hill. Some of these papers such as Seattle Times and a small portion of Seattle PI and Seattle Star are accessible online from home. Others, like Capitol Hill Times and the undigitized portions of the PI and the Star are accessible on microfilm at either the UW Library or Seattle Public Library. We aim locate and gather every Capitol Hill-related story in each of these newspapers. If you are interested in browsing local newspapers for Capitol Hill-related stories, please contact us and read a more detailed description here. Interested in volunteering to research newspapers, but aren't sure where to start? A great starting point would be to seek out articles about our landmarks.

Next Steps

  • Obtain a scanner for photo digitization.

  • Complete project proposals. (done!)

  • Submit project proposals to iSchool.

Preview of CHHS Standards and Guidelines for Preservation and Development

As a group, we spent a little time going over the draft of a document that Tom put together that will represent our official position on historic preservation and how new development fits into that. We mostly discussed one aspect of it: how to define the historic character of the neighborhood. Once Tom finishes integrating the various changes suggested by the group, we plan to submit a revised draft to the public for additional feedback.

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